Saturday, December 11, 2010


As part of Rachel's Christmas present countdown, I decided would make her a set of turtle pincushions. (Tutorial found here) I am very happy with how they turned out. However, I will not be making them again. There are just a wee bit tedious. However, if you really like the person you are making them for...totally justified. :) Without further ado, the pictures:

This is the larger of the turtles. This turtle serves as both a pin cushion, and a sewing kit. The bottom part of the shell opens to reveal a pocket for scissors, a needle book and a thread holder. The flipper is magnetic to catch pins.

This smaller turtle is simply a pin cushion. While the body of the larger turtle is made from cotton (with seams inside), this one is made from felt, sewn with a whip stitch.

1 comment:

Phillip and Rachel said...

I am so happy they are mine! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the big one too :)